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Smoke Effect

How to create barbeque smoke
For this tut i have used a pic of grilled BBQ in which I add smoke to give it a smoky effect.

Go to "Layer" menu and create a new layer name it "Smoke". Then select white color, then select "Brush" tool set "Petal Crystals" brush and 300px Diameter.
Set Opacity to 25%. Now draw three lines as shown in the pic below.

Now set the Diameter of the brush to 250px and draw the same lines above the lines we draw before.

Now set the Diameter of the brush to 100px and "Opacity" 70% and draw the same lines above the lines.

Now set the Diameter of the brush to 50px and "Opacity" 100% and draw the same lines above the lines and some more lines as shown in the picture below.

Now go to Filter->Distort->Wave. and set the parameters as shown in the picture.

After clicking ok on Wave Diolog Box go to Edit menu and click on "Fade" on the diolog Box set opacity to 50% and apply. your picture now looks like this.

Repeat "Step 6" and "Step 7" until your picture looks like this.

You'r almost done. Now do some finishing work here, Select the "Eraser" tool, set opacity to 5% and give some strokes on smoke on the top dark area of the picture just to lighten the whitness of the smoke. Then set opacity of this "Smoke" layer to 70% and you'r all done.

Thank You.

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